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Daily Readings

Making All Things New

The ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK has launched the Making All Things New initiative.

The goals are:

1. To enhance the vibrancy of parish life in the Archdiocese of New York.

2. To strengthen the presence and ministry of the Church in the urban, suburban and rural areas of the archdiocese.

3. To foster an appreciation for and participation in Sunday Eucharist.

4. To promote New Evangelization efforts throughout the archdiocese.

5. To implement parish planning within the archdiocese considering the needs of the people, the projected number of priests available to serve, financial resources, and changing demographics.

6. To ensure that all parishioners have opportunities for quality lifelong Christian education and formation.

7. To strengthen service to those who are most in need.

8. To promote vocations to priesthood, religious life, the diaconate, and lay ministry.

9. To support new initiatives for youth, young adults, families, and seniors.

10. To build a greater sense of unity among Catholics from all cultures within the local Church.

11. To increase collaboration among all entities in the local, national, and universal Church.
Click here for further information
