Mission Statement:
We are a diverse people whose center is Jesus Christ. In his spirit we welcome, empower and care for one another. We share an even greater sense of ownership for our church, our passion for the Gospel, the joy for being Christian and a commitment to make justice and peace a reality for all. Our challenge is to ring out the mercies of God.
Thank you for visiting the Sacred Heart Parish Pastoral Council pages. We use this area to provide easy access to information such as meeting minutes for parishioners. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
What is the PPC?
All parishes in the Archdiocese are required to by the Archbishop to have a Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) in place (Vatican II Decree on the Laity #26). Parish Councils serve in a consultative capacity to the pastor and utilize the many and varied gifts of all the parishioners in service to the parish as it carries out the mission of Jesus Christ.
The essential mission of every parish is evangelizing, proclaiming and witnessing to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in ways specific to the local community. The PPC helps parishioners to understand and live out their identity as Christians, for example: Why does Sacred Heart exist?, What are we all about?, How do we live out our calling within the concrete boundaries of where we live, our resources and our needs?
Why does Sacred Heart need one?
The agenda of the PPC is primarily to research, consider and propose for action those matters that directly relate to the elements of parish life, which are: evangelization, worship, word, community, service, stewardship and leadership. Pastoral planning is not something the pastor alone can ever possibly address. The pastor and pastoral staff need the eyes, ears, hearts and minds of the parishioners to understand where and who we are and gracefully plan for the future.
Click on the Parish Council Links at left to access more information.