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Daily Readings

Fifteen Receive Sacrament of Confirmation


On Monday June 11, 2012 fifteen of our young adults received the Sacrament of Confirmation in a wonderful celebration at Sacred Heart Church. The ceremony was officiated by The Most Rev. Dominick J. Lagonegro, Vicar of Orange County who reminded our young adults to make Jesus their best friend.

The . . . → Read More: Fifteen Receive The Sacrament Of Confirmation

Congratulations to Fr. Everiste




The Sacred Heart Church Community wishes to extend hearty congratulations to Fr. Evariste Ouedraogo on completion of the various formations and trainings developing his skills for a better pastoral ministry and community services.

We continue to pray for God’s blessings and guidance on Fr. Everiste and that he will continue to . . . → Read More: Congratulations to Fr. Everiste

Feast of the Sacred Heart

All are invited to three nights of prayer, praise and worship in celebration of the Feast of The Sacred Heart. Please gather at the Sacred Heart Church on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:00 PM. Come and be Blessed.